The city of
Peachtree Corners is designated as a very unique form of government - a
city-lite. This is because the city is
charted by the state legislature to provide just three services - 1. Planning
and Zoning 2. code Enforcement 3.
Trash Collection. The city has
not even been functioning a year and only one of the 3 services is completely
operational. Yet the council and mayor
are already looking to expand their powers.
Tonight's city council meeting has two items on it that attempt to do
just that.
1. The council is looking to pass an ordinance
removing the second read requirement to pass ordinances in the future. This is
a problem because it gives us, the citizens, no time to react to the proposed
law before the council can vote it into being. They argue that this is holding
up businesses who need zoning changes and that the second read is really moot
because they could hold back to back meetings to meet the second read
requirement. We are OK with the idea of changing the second read requirement on
business zoning issues that have already passed the zoning commission vetting
process. We do not want the council's powers expanded to pass any ordinance
this way. They may circumvent the requirement by holding the back to back
meetings, but then we would at least be alerted to the fact they are up to no
good and trying to block citizen input. We want the ordinance eliminating the
second read to have tighter, more limiting language.2. The council wants to expand the charter to allow them to provide a 4th service. The resolution reads "A Resolution of the Mayor and Council of Peachtree Corners, Georgia requesting the local legislative delegation of Peachtree Corners, Georgia to introduce a local law authorizing Peachtree Corners, Georgia to have redevelopment powers pursuant to the redevelopment powers law; and for other purposes." It appears they will put this on the ballot for a November referendum. We believe they are already breaking their promises to keep this a city-lite with this expansion of powers. We think they should get the other 3 services implemented and running smoothly before they try to convince us they deserve more power and more money to spend.
Add this to the elimination of the second read in item 1 above and you have recipe for all sorts of abuse without the citizens able to react or voice their objections before the council buys land, builds infrastructure or otherwise spends tax money the way they want.
You can read the full agenda here: